Hướng dẫn cài đặt ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF)
ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF). Ứng dụng bảo mật và phát hiện đăng nhập / xâm nhập và bảo mật tường lửa Stateful Packet (SPI) dành cho máy chủ Linux.
1. Hướng dẫn cài đặt
cd /usr/src
rm -fv csf.tgz
wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz
tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf
sh install.sh
rm -fv csf.tgz
wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz
tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf
sh install.sh
2. Sau khi cài đặt các bạn chỉnh sửa lại file cấu hình csf.conf thay đổi giá trị TESTING = "1" Thành TESTING = "0"
vi /etc/csf/csf.conf
3. Restart lại service CSF
csf -r
4. Lưu ý nếu không thực hiện được lệnh csf -r các bạn cài thêm gói perl vào server nhé
yum install perl -y
5. Các option csf thường dùng
-s, --start
Start the firewall rules
-f, --stop
Flush/Stop firewall rules (Note: lfd may restart csf)
-r, --restart
Restart firewall rules (csf)
-q, --startq
Quick restart (csf restarted by lfd)
-sf, --startf
Force CLI restart regardless of LFDSTART setting
-ra, --restartall
Restart firewall rules (csf) and then restart lfd daemon. Both csf and then lfd should be restarted after making any
changes to the configuration files
--lfd [stop|start|restart|status]
Actions to take with the lfd daemon
-a, --add ip [comment]
Allow an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.allow
-ar, --addrm ip
Remove an IP from /etc/csf/csf.allow and delete rule
-d, --deny ip [comment]
Deny an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.deny
-dr, --denyrm ip
Unblock an IP and remove from /etc/csf/csf.deny
-c, --check
Check for updates to csf but do not upgrade
-u, --update
Check for updates to csf and upgrade if available
-uf Force an update of csf whether and upgrade is required or not
-x, --disable
Disable csf and lfd completely
-e, --enable
Enable csf and lfd if previously disabled
-v, --version
Show csf version
Start the firewall rules
-f, --stop
Flush/Stop firewall rules (Note: lfd may restart csf)
-r, --restart
Restart firewall rules (csf)
-q, --startq
Quick restart (csf restarted by lfd)
-sf, --startf
Force CLI restart regardless of LFDSTART setting
-ra, --restartall
Restart firewall rules (csf) and then restart lfd daemon. Both csf and then lfd should be restarted after making any
changes to the configuration files
--lfd [stop|start|restart|status]
Actions to take with the lfd daemon
-a, --add ip [comment]
Allow an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.allow
-ar, --addrm ip
Remove an IP from /etc/csf/csf.allow and delete rule
-d, --deny ip [comment]
Deny an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.deny
-dr, --denyrm ip
Unblock an IP and remove from /etc/csf/csf.deny
-c, --check
Check for updates to csf but do not upgrade
-u, --update
Check for updates to csf and upgrade if available
-uf Force an update of csf whether and upgrade is required or not
-x, --disable
Disable csf and lfd completely
-e, --enable
Enable csf and lfd if previously disabled
-v, --version
Show csf version
Có thể yêu cầu các mẫu regex tùy chỉnh cho một số chức năng trên các hệ diều hành sau:
RedHat Enterprise v7 to v8
CentOS v7 to v8
CloudLinux v7 to v8
Fedora v30
*openSUSE v10, v11, v12
*Debian v8 - v10
*Ubuntu v18 to v20
*Slackware v12
CentOS v7 to v8
CloudLinux v7 to v8
Fedora v30
*openSUSE v10, v11, v12
*Debian v8 - v10
*Ubuntu v18 to v20
*Slackware v12
Allow outgoing TCP ports all port csf firewall
Các bạn mở file /etc/csf/csf.conf và khai báo
TCP_OUT ="1:65535"
UDP_OUT ="1:65535"
UDP_OUT ="1:65535"
sau đó restart lại csf nhé
csf -r
Chúc các bạn thành công.
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